Thrift Store Receives Rotary Club of Ladysmith Grant
The Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Rotary Club of Ladysmith. Rotary Club’s President, Gerry Beltgens and Treasurer, Brian King presented a giant $5,000 cheque to Eithne Reichert (President) and Lynda Baker (Vice-President) during the annual Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary Volunteer Appreciation Dinner May 28, 2024.
The $5,000 grant will help replace shelving in the Gift Shop area and the Children’s and Craft departments. Work has already begun and the new display racks and modifications have created a more open and appealing space with ease of accessibility for all customers.
Come in soon to see how Rotary’s funds have enhanced our Thrift Store!

L to R: Rotary Club Treasurer, Brian King; LHCA President, Eithne Reichert; Rotary Club President, Gerry Beltgens; LHCA VP, Lynda Baker
Supporting Community Health and Wellness
The Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary is a not-for-profit organization that supports healthcare facilities, various programs that promote health and wellness and the up-keep of Memorial Gardens through fundraising by volunteers.
Thrift Store profits fund healthcare equipment, local programs and health and wellness initiatives provided by community organizations, schools, foundations and hospitals. Our volunteer members operate and manage numerous programs in the community to provide services and generate funds to assist other non-profit health related programs.
Are you looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity in Ladysmith, BC? We have something for almost everyone and we need you! Come be a part of our amazing community.