President’s Message
This dinner has been a long time in the making. We’ve all been through our fair share of COVID rigamaroles; and staging our regular volunteer appreciation dinners has been one of the casualties.
The pictures say it all! Finally sitting together, about to enjoy a meal and to share in the goodness of friendship and convivial chatter – but mostly to give gratitude to our wonderful volunteers – without whose energy, enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment, we could not pull off the remarkable feat of funding healthcare initiatives in our community.
It is important to note several thank you’s to people and neighbour organizations without whose generous volunteer and community-mindedness we couldn’t have pulled off this event:
To the Kinsmen Club of Ladysmith:
Many thanks go to: Duck Patterson, who was also our photographer and to the Kinsman barkeepers who kept the spirits flowing. THANK YOU!
To the Rotary Club of Ladysmith:
In appreciation to Gerry Beltgens and his volunteers who served up the delicious catered dinner. THANK YOU for doling out those lovely morsels!
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Special Guests
We welcomed three special guests, who helped us celebrate our volunteers. Each offered their special words of appreciation and heartfelt thanks for contributing to our community in such a positive way! Many thanks for honouring us with your presence! Your supportive words about the impact of our volunteer contributions brightened our evening!
The Thrift Store Fashion Show
Eithne Reichert – Fashion Show Co-Ordinator
Eithne’s outfit descriptions complimented the lively music she chose as accompaniment. The models strutted their stuff, were regaled with thunderous applause, and highlighted the stylish selection and economy of purchasing LHA Thrift Store wear with ensembles ranging in price from $7 to $25.