Donation History:
Thanks to generous donations from our community and the hard work and dedication of our loyal volunteers, the Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary is able to donate each year to health care related causes, medical equipment, wellness initiatives and health related non-profit societies that benefit members of our community. From 2002 to end of 2023 the Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary has funded over $6,200,000. For a detailed list of donations by year click on the link below.

Cowichan Valley Hospice Society receives $30,000 to support grief counselling services in Ladysmith, BC.
From L to R: Jean Sparkes (LHCA Donations Coordinator), Monika Kawka (Executive Director, Cowichan Hospice), Christa Fox (President/Chair Cowichan Hospice), Ruth Goodbody, Past President LHCA)
2024 Donations:
- Variety The Children’s Charity: $5,000
- Ladysmith Community Health Centre: $36,042 for IV warmer, ECG machine, i-STAT blood analyzer
- Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund: $2,000 (2023, 2024)
- Ladysmith Air Cadets: $2,500 for First Aid Training
- Victoria General Hospital: $20,000 towards a Pediatric Ventilator for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Cowichan Hospice Society: $30,000 for funding grief counselling services in Ladysmith
- Ladysmith Resources Centre Association: $30,000 for Early Years & Senior Advocacy Programs
- LAFF: $30,000 for program supporting food and parental programming for children under the age of 6 in Ladysmith
- Big Brothers Big Sisters: $10,000 for expansion of programs in Ladysmith Schools
- Take A Hike Foundation: $8,000 to support mental health activity for youth in Ladysmith
Funding Application Criteria:
Organizations who meet the following criteria may make a request for funding:
1. Are a non-profit or charity organization or association
2. Funding is required for health care and/or community wellness
3. Benefits people of Ladysmith and surrounding area
4. Benefits health care facilities used by residents of Ladysmith and surrounding area
5. Only one request per year per organization
6. We do not contribute to funds used towards GST, PST or shipping.
Funding Application Procedures:
Organizations who wish to apply for funding from the Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary are asked to do so using the Donation Request form below. If your organization has various departments, please ensure they collaborate in making one funding request per year.
Requests will be submitted for consideration to our membership at General Meetings.
Note: We do not contribute to funds used toward wages, GST, PST or shipping.
Donation Request Forms
Request by Mail: If you wish to submit your request by mail, click on the button labelled Donation Request Form (pdf) to download a form for completion and mail it to the contact information provided. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the form.
Request by Email: We also accept email requests. If you use Office 365, click on the button labelled Donation Request Form (MS Word) to download a fillable form for completion and submit it to the email address provided. You will need Microsoft Word to open the form.