Our volunteer members operate and manage numerous programs in the community.
We provide services and generate funds to assist other non-profit health related programs.
100% of the net profits of the Auxiliary are used for the benefit of the community we serve.

Baby Layettes
Baby layettes are offered free to all Ladysmith families, no matter where they deliver (NRGH, CDH, etc) a new baby. They are given out by Public Health Nurses, LAFF and the LRCA Born Healthy Program. Most moms know the baby’s gender beforehand, so they can receive them before the baby is born. On average we donate over 75 layettes per year. They consist of sleepers (3 sizes), onesies (3 sizes), socks, hats, blanket, receiving blankets and sweaters,. Each one also has a hand made crocheted baby afghan. Thanks to our wonderful volunteer sewers, we can also include bibs, blankets, t-shirts, pants, etc. We encourage anyone who knows of a new mom who has not been offered a layette, to contact us and we will arrange to get one to them.

Meals on Wheels
We provide hot and nutritious meals on an ongoing basis, or short term while recovering from illness or surgery. Qualified, reliable and friendly volunteers who also provide a security check pick up and deliver prepared meals for our Meals-on-Wheels clients in the community. Meals are delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm. Clients need to be home during delivery times to accept their meals. Nutritious and delicious meals that follow dietary guidelines or restrictions are prepared by the Oyster Harbour Seniors Community kitchen for a nominal fee. If you wish to become a driver for the Meals on Wheels program, you will be required to use your own vehicle, to maintain a current driver's license and vehicle and pass a security check.

Youth Volunteers
The Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary supports and encourages senior high school students to join our Youth Volunteers at the Oyster Harbour Seniors Community. These Youth Volunteers interact and provide companionship to the residents in numerous ways: playing cards and games, socializing, special occasion activities, share time with and listen to the residents, provide a window to the "outside world" and bring laughter and joy to all the participants. All of these volunteers have the opportunity to earn and qualify for one of two $4,000 bursaries given by our Auxiliary. Some of the qualifying factors are: must be in grade 12, must complete a minimum of 100 hours of service and must be going into a "health related" field for post secondary education. At this time, the program runs from October to mid May.

The Auxiliary provides a limited number of bursaries to graduating high school students proceeding to post-secondary education towards a career in healthcare. The program is operated in cooperation with the local high school and also extends to our Junior Volunteer program. For more information on this program, please send an email to the General Info mail box on the form at the bottom of this page.

Knit, Crochet and other Craftspeople
Knitters, crocheters, quilters, jewellery makers and other craftspeople generously contribute quality goods for sale in our Gift Shop, which is now located inside the Thrift Store. Items such as sweaters, infant clothes, blankets, socks, throws and jewellery are always welcome. If you can knit, crochet or do other crafts, or would like to volunteer in the Gift Shop, please contact the Gift Shop Manager using the form at the bottom of this page.

Patient Comforts
For a number of years the Auxiliary has been making special modalities to help comfort persons recovering from serious medical problems. One prominent item is a Cancer Pillow which greatly eases the suffering of patients who have recently undergone breast cancer operations. The Auxiliary also contributes funding toward transportation of persons to undergo cancer treatments in Vancouver Island hospitals serving our area.

Silent Guardian Lifeline Program
Lifeline services for persons at risk and confined to their homes was initiated and 100% operated by the Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary for many years. The Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary is proud to be partnered with Philips Lifeline to provide the community the Lifeline service. The Ladysmith Silent Guardian Lifeline Program fund, financially supports the needs of medically at risk individuals requiring Lifeline services in order to stay at home. All Silent Guardian Lifeline recipients are referred from Island Health - Ladysmith Home and Community Care.
Oyster Harbour Seniors Community
The Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary supports the Residents and Staff at Oyster Harbour Seniors Community (formerly known as the Lodge on 4th) by way of continued sponsorship and ongoing volunteerism - members volunteer their time as well as gifting the community with various resources throughout the year. Generous donations include recreation supplies, adaptable aids, sponsorship of our monthly birthday party and numerous themed events and holiday supplies/gifts. The on-site Volunteers engage with the residents through meaningful leisure activities, fostering bonds and connections that last. In an ever changing community, the volunteers continue to adapt and rise to the occasion enhancing the quality of life for all.

Doris Gallagher Memorial Gardens
The Memorial Gardens began as a bequest many years ago and provides a beautiful setting for patients and visitors. The gardens provide a serene spot for Ladysmith residents and visitors to relax and enjoy a beautiful view. Residents of The Oyster Harbour Seniors Community enjoy all the gardens have to offer. They love seeing everything come to life. Throughout the growing season a group of volunteers with the Ladysmith Healthcare Auxiliary work several days each week to plant, weed and nurture the many special plants found in the gardens. In the quiet season volunteers continue to do necessary maintenance. Memorial Gardens is located behind the Ladysmith Community Health Centre at 4th Avenue & Symonds. Every spring when there's a bit more sunshine, we gardeners hope you will come out and enjoy the gardens. We need volunteers to continue providing this valuable community service.
Doris Gallagher Memorial Gardens Photo Gallery
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer to continue providing this valuable community service, please send an email to the Membership Director.
Please contact us about any of the programs listed above.